Looking for a 12 week training program that combines weight training, cardio and free weights? Look no further, try out our 12 week training that can be done at just about any gym.

12 week training program week 5-12

Take a week 5 off – Still move and be active, and focus on nutrition

Week 6 – 5 sets 13 reps 65 reps

Week 7 – 5 sets 15 reps 75 reps

Week 8 – 5 Sets 16 reps 80 reps

Week 9 – 5 sets 18 reps 90 reps

Take week off – Still move and be active, and focus on nutrition

Week 10-12 10 sets 10 reps you should have 2 more in the tank when degerming your weight.

Based on the weeks, will determine the how long the workout will be. Some weeks will be longer, some weeks will be shorter.

Warm up Lower body:

5 mins on bike or rower

3 rounds:

10 Loaded beast

10/ Cossack Squat

10/ Lateral band steps

10/ High plank to lunge with reach to the sky and elbow to the ground

15/ Forward step lunges

(Keep core engaged as much as possible)

Warm up Upper Body:

5 mins on Ski machine or Rower

3 Rounds

10 Loaded beast to push up

10 High plank to pike up (for added intensity put feet on bench)

10 banded face pulls

10 Scapula retractions

30 Mountain climbers


100 calorie row or Ski


10 rounds – 10 band squats, 10 push ups, 10 Band Face pulls

200 Jump ropes

2 big loop bike rides

Tabata Bar hangs

Thunderstruck burpees – Run on spot or on a track, every ‘Thunder” drop and do a burpee


Week 6

Day 1:

– Split Squats:

– Deadlifts:

– Dumbbell bench or push press:

– 3 sets of 30 reps of hip dips, leg raises or alternating tow touches, hallow rocks

– HIIT cardio: 20 seconds of sprinting followed by 40 seconds of rest, repeat for 10 minutes, choose any cardio machine.


Day 2:

– Lunges:

– Bent over rows:

– Overhead press:

– 3 sets of 30 reps of Russian twists, High plank alternate toe touch, side plank leg raises

– EMOM – 12 mins

Min 1 – 15-20 KBS

Min 2 – 15 per leg Bulgarian split squat

Min 3 – 30-40 Lateral bench step over

Day 3:

– Split Squats:

– Romanian deadlifts:

– Incline bench press:

– Sally up down High plank low plank challenge

– HIIT cardio: 30 seconds of KB swings followed by 30 seconds of rest, repeat for 10 minutes

Week 7:

Day 1:

– Goblet squats:

– Sumo deadlifts:

– Dumbbell chest press:

– 3 sets of 30 reps of hip dips, leg raises or alternating tow touches, hallow rocks

– 12 min EMOM

Min 1 20 Sumo deadlift high pull

Min 2 20 Bicep curls

Min 3 15/ Bench or box farmer step up


Day 2:

– Bulgarian split squats:

– Pull-ups:

– Arnold press:

– 3 sets of 30 reps of Russian twists, High plank alternate toe touch, side plank leg raises

– 4 rounds

30 seconds rowing 15 sec rest

30 seconds of Farmers lunges followed 15 sec rest

30 seconds of high plank low plank alternate rest 15 sec

Day 3:

– Split squats:

– Stiff-legged deadlifts:

– Close grip bench press:

– 300 Mountain climbers, 200 Hip dips, 100 hallow rocks

– 4 rounds

30 seconds Goblet squats 15 sec rest

30 seconds of DB push press followed 15 sec rest

30 seconds of rowing or skiing rest 15 sec